Enrollment for new students
Welcome to Canyon View Elementary! Everything you need to know about registering your child is below.
We are enrolling for the current school year and for the 2025-26 School Year. Please make sure you select the correct school year when completing the online enrollment.
PK Enrollment Information
- PK IUSD Information - Enrollment Eligibility, How to Enroll, Continuum of Standards and other Information
Kinder Enrollment Information
- Kinder IUSD Information - How to Enroll, Welcome to Kinder Video and other Information
General Enrollment Information
To enroll your child, please click HERE and review all the information in the "BEFORE YOU START" tab which includes the list of required enrollment documents. Once you have gathered all of the required enrollment documents, go to the "ONLINE ENROLLMENT" tab and click on the "Aeries Internet Registration" link to register. Adrianna Jaramillo, Office Assistant, will review your registration information and she will email or call you to confirm registration is complete. This is an extremely busy time of year so please be patient. If this is a registration for the current year and you have not been contacted within 48 hours of completing the enrollment please free to contact the mail office at 949-936-6900.
If you are interested in seeing our school before your students start with us in the Fall, please feel free to sign up for a tour HERE. This tour is for adults only and will last about 30 minutes. Please make sure you arrive on time and sign in at the front office.
Thank you and we look forward to meeting you soon!
Before/After school care
For before/after school care please visit: Catalyst Kids or click HERE for more information