School Site Council/English Language Advisory Council

The School Site Council/English Language Advisory Council is a school based decision making organization whose central focus is supporting the best decisions for students. Our Council provides a means to improve communication and collaboration between the school and our community.

What does the School Site Council/English Language Advisory Council do?

The Council meets regularly (every 4-8 weeks) and conducts business meetings; records of agendas, minutes, and rosters of attendance are left at the site for public review when requested. The Council plans and develops the written School Plan for Improvement, implements the plan, and monitors the activities and budget.The Council evaluates the effectiveness and quality of the School Improvement Program each year.

What are the major responsibilities of the Council? 
The major responsibilities of this advisory forum include the following:

  • Developing the Coordinated Summary of the School Improvement Plan Reviewing and approving the School Improvement Budget Monitoring and evaluating the overall effectiveness of the school program
  • Participating in program quality reviews to affirm program strengths and identify areas for growth and improvement at Canyon View.

Who may be members?
The Council is composed of members of our school community, with half of the group representing the professional school staff and half representing parents of Canyon View students.

How are members selected?

  • One-half of the Council members are school staff; the majority of this group must be classroom teachers.
  • One-half of the Council members are parents, community members and, in secondary schools, students.
  • In order to meet legal requirements, at least 10 members must be on the School Site Council at the elementary level, and 12 at the secondary level.
  • Each group selects its own members:
    • Classroom teachers select teachers.
    • Other school staff selects other school staff.
    • Parents select parents and community members.

What is the responsibility of a SSC/ELAC Member?

Members should:

  • Attend all meetings. An alternative should be contacted if a member is unable to attend a meeting.
  • Become knowledgeable of the school, its students, and programs.
  • Attend training for School Site Council members.
  • Understand and follow state regulations, District policies, and Council by-laws.
  • Value site based decision-making and parent-staff interaction

Who may attend meetings?
All meetings are open to the public and all members of our community are encouraged to attend. At every meeting, an opportunity to speak to a topic not on the agenda is offered to anyone who is interested in addressing the Council.

School site council meetings

Meeting Schedule 

Please contact our front office, (949) 936-6900, or Ms. Miller via email at if you need any additional information regarding our School Site Council.

  • 11.07.23 CV School Site Council Mtg
  • 01.23.24 CV School Site Council Mtg
  • 03.19.24 CV School Site Council Mtg - Cancelled
  • 05.07.24 CV School Site Council Mtg


2023-24 School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)