Upper Grade Vocal Music Winter Informance

January 11, 2024

Our first vocal music concert is coming up just after our Winter Break, and we would love to invite you to join us and hear what we have been working on. This informance (informational performance) will take place during our regularly scheduled music classes on January 11, 2024 in the Vocal Music Room (unless the weather permits us to be outside in the courtyard).

Here are the specific times each grade will perform:
11:20-12:00am 6th Grade
12:05am-12:45pm 5th Grade
1:05pm-1:45pm 4th Grade

If you cannot make it in person, we will also live-stream the event! You will be able to find the Zoom Link posted on my Teaching Website at https://bit.ly/creciamusic as we get closer to the concert date.


