Parent & Student Handbook

Please take the time to read the information provided in this brochure and review pertinent sections with your children.  Additional information and updates will be disseminated throughout the year via the website, email blasts, social media posts, PTA meetings and teacher/classroom communication.

We Believe:

  • Every student is entitled to a safe and orderly learning environment.
  • Each child deserves to be treated with respect.
  • All students can learn and succeed, including the mastery of challenging concepts and processes.
  • A challenging, safe‐to‐risk environment promotes successful learning and performance.
  • Each teacher is responsible for meeting the needs of all students in the classroom.
  • Critical thinking, character‐education and life‐long learning skills are as equally important as content‐based instruction.
  • Students need many and varied opportunities to apply their learning in authentic contexts to successfully internalize and generalize their learning.

Animals on campus

For the safety and comfort of our students and staff, animals are not permitted on campus, even if they are on a leash or are carried. Please be aware that pursuant to Orange County Ordinance 41.46, dogs are not to be on school grounds at any time.


Studies show that there is a direct correlation between strong school attendance and student achievement. Therefore, we encourage you to reinforce the importance of strong school attendance and to make every effort to send your child to school on a regular basis. Please call 949‐936‐6901 before 8:45 a.m. each day if your child will be absent or tardy. Please leave a message with the reason for the absence, their given name and who their teacher is.  All tardy students must sign in at the front office with a guardian before going to class. Attendance and tardies are monitored at the District level and, per CA Ed Code, truancy letters will be generated if your child has three or more tardies of 30 minutes or more, ten tardies of less than 30 minutes, or three unexcused absences. Per CA Ed Code, a student shall be excused from school when the absence is due to: illness, medical/dental appointments, funeral for immediate family members, observance of a holiday or ceremony of his or her religion, attendance at religious retreats, or student’s appearance in court.

Tardy/Leaving Early

Students are considered tardy if they are not in their class line at 8:10 a.m for upper grades and 8:20 a.m for primary grades. If your child is tardy to school, he/she must report through the front office with a guardian to allow us to update our attendance records for that day. Doors to the building are locked. Students will gain access through the office. Should you find it necessary to schedule a medical appointment during your child’s class time, please sign out your child in the office. Do not go directly to the classroom at any time. This minimizes disruption to our instructional program and maintains student safety. Students leaving school before dismissal time must be signed out in the front office by a parent, guardian, or other adult listed in the Emergency Contacts on the computer. Students will be released only to those whose names are listed on the Emergency Contacts. Students will not be called out of class until parent arrives.  While at any medical or dental appointments, please request a doctor's note otherwise it will be marked as unexcused.

Homework Requests for Absent Students

If you wish to pick up homework for your absent child, please email the teacher prior to 9:00 a.m. It will be available for pick‐up after class is dismissed.


A short-term independent study contract may be requested from a student’s school of attendance for a temporary, short-term absence from school that is not less than five (5) school days and not to exceed a total of 14 school days and is due immediately upon return. The contract should be requested a minimum of five (5) school days prior to commencement of independent study. The intent of the contract is to provide continuity of instruction for the student in the event of an emergency, vacation, or similar short-term need.


classroom volunteers

Canyon View welcomes and values our volunteer assistance. In addition to the organization opportunities detailed under the Parent Involvement section, parents and guests may volunteer in classrooms and the library when pre‐arranged with teachers.  All volunteers need to be signed in through the Front Office.

Classroom Assistance

Classroom teachers will recruit parent help at the beginning of the school year. There are opportunities for parents to work directly with students, to complete clerical tasks, and to complete tasks at home. If you are interested in serving in this way, please contact your child’s teacher. 

We want your experience as a classroom volunteer to be a successful one. Here are some suggestions that might be of interest to you when you come to help out:

  1. Meet the students in a relaxed, friendly manner.
  2. Learn student names and pronounce them correctly.
  3. Let the students know that you are truly interested in them by asking about interests, friends, etc.
  4. Give students your full attention. Listen to what they have to say.
  5. Set an example for students by being courteous and respectful to them.
  6. Build students’ self‐confidence. Let them know you expect them to try and to succeed.

As you work with students, keep these ideas in mind:

  1. Be consistent when working with students.
  2. Learn school rules and be sure to follow them.
  3. Be dependable. The teacher and students are depending on you.
  4. Be prepared. Have everything ready when you start to work with students.
  5. Reward students with positive praise.
  6. Help students learn HOW to do their work.
  7. Ask for help if you find a problem that you feel you may not be able to handle.
  8. Your interest and enthusiasm as a volunteer may be the single most important part of success in learning for many students.


All student information observed or obtained while volunteering is to remain confidential. Adults who breech this confidentiality expectation will not be invited to return. Please recognize that when volunteering in the classroom, you are offering your assistance to the classroom teacher.


Our commitment is that we will regularly and thoroughly communicate with parents. This communication will be accomplished through a variety of methods and formally scheduled activities throughout the year.

Back to School Night

Canyon View will host a Back to School Night event in late August or early September. This is an adult/parent only event. The Back To School evening is a “meet and greet” and an opportunity for parents to sign up for a variety of volunteer opportunities. Staff may discuss general information, not specific student progress.

Report Cards

Three times per year, report cards are issued for all students in grades TK‐6. The report card is available on the MyIUSD Parent Portal (

Parent Conferences

Conferences are scheduled two times per year, once in the fall and once in the spring. The fall conference is a goal setting conference to select goals for each child and to review early progress. The spring conference is optional and serves as follow‐up when necessary. Teachers are always available to schedule an individual meeting to discuss concerns or issues.

Open House

Open House is scheduled in February to showcase students’ progress. This event is an acknowledgment of the commendable efforts our students make throughout the year. Family and friends are invited to experience this popular event with their student.

Canyon View Website

The Canyon View website offers a plethora of information about our school program, staff, and events. Be sure to check it regularly!

Email / Text Messages

Please read all emails & text messages from our school principal. Contact the office if you are not receiving regular notifications from Ms. Miller.

Thursday Conduits

In an effort to ensure that materials reach home, each child has an envelope or folder that parents should expect to be brought home every Thursday afternoon throughout the school year. The conduit might contain both school communication and schoolwork/ homework. We hope that you will allow time each Thursday to review the information with your child and return the envelope or folder to school on Friday.

Grade Level/Teacher Websites

Our PK‐6th grade teachers utilize classroom or grade level websites to communicate grade level news and information.

Email and Voicemail

All staff members have a phone message line and are requested to check it regularly. The phones in the classrooms revert to voicemail during the school day. Each staff member also has an email address, which they check at least once per day, when present at school. Please call the office for any emergency issues as teachers will not answer the phone or check email during instructional time. Please allow staff members 24‐ 48 hours to respond to emails.

Social Media

Please connect with Canyon View on Social Media to stay up to date on events, see what your children are doing during the school day, and positively engage with our learning community:

Instagram: cvshiningstars

district school board policies

Civility BP 1313

It is the expectation of the district that all personnel will be responsive to parents’ concerns and attempt to resolve problems at the most appropriate level. Failing that, it should be referred to the principal or designee and, if necessary, subsequently to the superintendent or designee. It is neither required nor desirable that an employee face abusive language or behavior.

This policy promotes mutual respect, civility, and orderly conduct among district employees, parents, and the public. This policy is not intended to deprive any person of his/her right to freedom of expression, but only to maintain, to the extent possible and reasonable, a safe, harassment-free workplace for our students and staff. In the interest of presenting district employees as positive role models to the students of this district as well as the community, the Irvine Unified School District encourages positive communication and discourages volatile, hostile, or aggressive behavior.

Sexual Harassment - Students 5145.7

The Board of Education is committed to maintaining a learning environment free from harassment, intimidation or insult, student‐to‐student or adult‐to‐student, on the basis of an individual's actual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender expression. Positive action will be taken when necessary to eliminate such practices or remedy their effects. Sexual harassment, as defined and otherwise prohibited by state and federal statutes, constitutes an unlawful form of sex discrimination in violation of Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In addition, sexual harassment constitutes violation of the California Education Code, regulations of the State Board of Education, and District Policy. As such, sexual harassment may constitute just cause for discipline pursuant to applicable Education Code Sections.

The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries and complaints regarding the sexual harassment policy:

Canyon View Elementary School: Christine Miller, Principal, 12025 Yale Court Irvine, CA 92620, 949‐936‐6900

District Office: Title IX Coordinator – Keith Tuominen, Director, Secondary Education, 5050 Barranca Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92604, (949)936‐ 5047.

Emergency preparedness

At Canyon View, we are constantly concerned for the safety and welfare of each of our students. We hold regular drills to teach children the appropriate way to safely exit the building in the event of a fire, to “duck and cover” in the event of an earthquake, and to respond to lockdowns (both for non-emergent situations and emergency situations). The school is fully equipped with search and rescue materials, first aid supplies, food, and water. Staff are assigned emergency preparedness roles and undergo specific training as needed. Our school staff is prepared to deal with a major emergency and to provide for the physical and emotional needs of students while they are under our supervision, as well as their orderly and safe release.

Access to students, in the event of an emergency, will be carefully controlled so that we may account for every child. Students will be released ONLY to adults designated on their emergency data.

In the event of an emergency, we will attempt to contact the parent community using emergency systems linked to phones and email. To assist us in this effort, we require parents to do the following:

  • Keep your contact information (including home address, home phone, cell phone, email, and emergency contacts) on the Parent Portal up to date.
  • In the event of an emergency, check in at the designated student‐release area to pick up /sign out students.
  • The school provides water for students.

general school rules & expectations

  • Every student has the right to learn, feel safe, and be treated with respect and kindness at school.
  • Every student is expected to be responsible, express needs in a courteous manner, help keep our school clean and safe, and arrive on time.
  • Personal belongings such as skateboards, roller blades, scooters, Heelys, hand‐held laser pointers, toys, stuff ed animals, etc. are not permitted on school grounds.
  • Students are not allowed to use the front office phone for non‐urgent matters. In order to minimize classroom interruptions, we do not deliver non‐emergency phone messages from the office to individual classrooms. We ask that you take care of all after‐school arrangements with your child before he/she leaves for school.
  • Students will use appropriate language in all locations on campus.
  • Students will show STAR behavior in and around bathrooms. No playing, chasing, running or screaming.
  • Students are allowed on campus 10 minutes before their school day begins and no later than 10 minutes after their school day ends.
  • Students must use cross‐walks or a corner when crossing the street, even if an adult is with them.


Students are allowed to use their cell phones on campus before school and after school. During class time, all cell phones and electronic devices (Smartwatches) must be turned off and kept in backpacks. Students with cell phones or watches found outside of backpacks during school hours will be considered a violation of the Cell Phone and Electronic Device Policy. Any reason for discretion or variation in this policy must be approved by an Administrator in advance.

If a student is using a cell phone or electronic device (Smartwatches), with the exception of educational purposes, for any other reason during the restricted time, the following consequences will be imposed:

  • Violation #1 - Cell Phone/device will be confiscated from the student by the teacher and returned to student at the end of the day for the first violation and parent will be contacted.
  • Violation #2 or #3 - The cell phone/device will be returned to the Parent/Guardian of the student by an administrator. 
  • Violation #4+ - Student may be required to turn in his/her electronic device to Administration daily.


We realize that having to pick up a student’s phone or device may be inconvenient and, therefore, we recommend you discuss this policy with your student in order to avoid this problem. Confiscated phones and devices will be labeled with the student’s name and kept in the main office until the parent takes possession.



It is the district’s position that camera phones and devices with recording functions pose a threat to the privacy rights of individuals, exploitation of personal information, and compromise the integrity of educational programs. Accordingly, the use of camera or recording functions on electronic devices is prohibited at all times on school campuses and during the school day. Students in possession of cellphones or other devices on school grounds that contain inappropriate, violent or pornographic pictures/videos, inappropriate or harassing text messages, or information stored for the purposes of cheating academically will face more serious disciplinary action. Students who use a wireless communications device to photograph, videotape or otherwise record individuals without their permission, or whose wireless communications device is visible while in a test environment, will have his or her phone confiscated and held by a school official until it is determined that a criminal act or other improper act was not committed.

Ed Code § 51512. Prohibited use of electronic listening or recording device.

The Legislature finds that the use by any person, including a pupil, of any electronic listening or recording device in any classroom of the elementary and secondary schools without the prior consent of the teacher and the principal of the school given to promote an educational purpose disrupts and impairs the teaching process and discipline in the elementary and secondary schools, and such use is prohibited. Any person, other than a pupil, who willfully violates this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

Any pupil violating this section shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

This section shall not be construed as affecting the powers, rights, and liabilities arising from the use of electronic listening or recording devices as provided for by any other provision of law.


  • Students must keep hands to self at all times.
  • Listen to all staff  & supervisors.
  • Walk on blacktop.
  • Stay on campus.
  • Clean up trash.
  • Return all playground equipment to cart.
  • Follow rules for games (handball, basketball, soccer, foursquare)
  • Include everyone in games (no exclusion).
  • Be a good sport and encourage others.
  • Eat snacks at tables.
  • Stay out of planter areas.
  • Freeze when you hear a bell /whistle.


  • Sharing, throwing, or misusing food /drink at lunch tables
  • Harming or threatening a student or staff member
  • Possessing dangerous objects or substances
  • Teasing, humiliating, putting down, name calling, spreading rumors, or excluding others
  • Pushing, kicking, hitting, pinching, spitting or other forms of violence or physical contact
  • Using profanity or obscene language or gestures
  • Stealing, lying, or cheating
  • Destroying or defacing school /personal property
  • Sexual Harassment: See District School Board Policies.

health guidelines

In order to provide a healthy school environment for all children and staff, guidelines have been prepared to assist you in decisions relating to your child's health and school attendance. Visit for more information and forms.

 A district nurse, health clerk, or office staff  are available on campus to assist with the illness or injury of a child. Parents will be contacted to pick up their child if he/she needs to go home or see a physician. Information and guidance is provided to staff, parents, and students when medical conditions affect academic and/or social growth.

When Your Child is Ill

In order to provide a healthy school environment for all children and staff, the following guidelines have been prepared to assist you in decisions relating to your child's health and school attendance.

  • If your child is not feeling well and you are uncertain about sending him/her to school on any given day, it is best to keep your child home and observe him/her for worsening symptoms.
  • If a child is too ill to attend school in the morning, it is recommended that he/she stay home all day.
  • When you make the decision to keep your child home, please call the attendance line for each day your child will be absent at (949) 936-6901 and leave a message with the reason for the absence, their given name and who their teacher is.

Vision and Hearing Screenings

District nursing staff  provides students with vision and hearing screenings for grades K, 2, 5, new students, or at parent or teacher request.


Please make certain that your child eats breakfast before arriving at school. Often times a “sick” child is just hungry.

Medication at School

Whenever possible, the parent or guardian should make arrangements so that it is not necessary for school personnel to administer a medication to a student. However there are cases when a student's health could be compromised by not getting medication during school hours. When sending any prescription or non- prescription medication to school each year, the parent must:

  • Medication prescribed by a licensed authorized health care provider must have the pharmacy label attached and clearly state the students name, name of medication and dosage of medication to be given.
  • Non-prescription medication must be sent in the original container with directions.
  • A completed IUSD Medication Administration form signed by both the parent and licensed authorized health care provider must accompany the medication for both prescribed medication or non-prescription medication. 
  • Please do not send your child to school with medications of any kind.


We encourage students to wear sunscreen at school. Students participate in activities outside daily including recess and lunch, Physical Education and learning in our outdoor learning spaces. Students are permitted to bring and apply their own screen, if they are able. Staff is not permitted to assist in application. We also encourage hats and other protective clothing to be worn outdoors.

Student Accident and Health Insurance

Irvine Unified School District offers a low cost medical and dental accident insurance program. The purpose of the program is to provide assistance, at a minimum cost, to meet some of the expenses for accidental injury. The plan does not provide unlimited coverage, but does offer substantial assistance in the event of an injury.  Please visit

Please visit the Myers-Stevens & Toohey website ( to review the medical plans available. You may apply online at  for immediate processing. If you have questions regarding this student insurance program, please call Myers-Stevens & Toohey at 1-800-827-4695. 


Please click HERE for the Canyon View Elementary Homework Plan

Lost and forgotten Items

One of our priorities is to have students develop personal responsibility. To this end, office staff will not accept homework or library books once school begins.  

A lost and found cart is located on the carts by the cafeteria. Small items such as glasses, retainers, as well as musical instruments are kept in the office. We encourage parents and students to check the cart regularly for lost items. Please label everything  that is sent to school.


The IUSD Nutrition Services Department is excited to share that the State of California has committed to continue serving free meals to all students on campus.  Please note that Nutrition Services will continue to charge students full-price for an additional second meal or for a la carte items. 

Each student has been assigned a personal identification number. Parents are asked to deposit funds in the student’s account either electronically or by sending a check to school with your student. The goal for the school and the school district is to be cashless. Money will not be handled in the lunchroom—please do not take your money to the cafeteria.

Menus, payment methods, and other info can be found on . General questions can be sent to

parent involvement

Parent‐Teacher Association (PTA)

Canyon View is fortunate to have the support of an active group of parents who devote their time and talents to promote activities and events for our students. Our PTA assists in community building, planning, and providing financial support, not available by other means, which improves the quality of learning and increases opportunities for enrichment for all students. Parents are encouraged to JOIN PTA, attend meetings,n support activities, and volunteer. Dates and times of meetings and activities will be posted on the PTA link of the Canyon View website.

School Site Council (SSC)

The School Site Council is a group of parents and school personnel whose responsibility is to plan, monitor, and evaluate our School Improvement Plan. Parent members are elected by vote of all parents in the fall. Meetings are open to the general parent community and the schedule of times will be listed on the Canyon View website.

English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC)

The ELAC is composed of the principal, staff, and parents of English Language Learners who meet to review our instructional support of English Language Learner students. This committee is combined with the SSC.

If you are interested in being a part of any of these organizations, please call the office at 949‐936‐6900.

Parent Portal

We ask that parents keep their Parent Portal accounts with contact information up to date at all times. This information provides us your contact information and other emergency contacts in the event of your child being sick, hurt or if there is an emergency. Students will ONLY be released by adults listed on as an emergency contact.

pbis & discipline

PBIS is a process for creating safer and more effective schools. It is a systems approach to enhancing the capacity of schools to educate all children by developing research-based, school-wide, and classroom behavior support systems. The process focuses on improving the school’s ability to teach and support positive behavior for all students. Rather than a prescribed program, PBIS provides systems for schools to design, implement, and evaluate effective school-wide, classroom, non-classroom, and student specific plans. PBIS includes school-wide procedures and processes intended for all students and all staff in all settings. PBIS is a team-based process for systemic problem solving, planning, and evaluation. It is an approach to creating a safe and productive learning environment where teachers can teach and all students can learn.

  • We teach behavioral expectations to all students in all settings on campus & acknowledge appro-priate behavior.
  • We provide students with positive, immediate, and frequent feedback around the use of expected behavior.
  • We collect ongoing behavioral data to use for decision making & to develop support plans for stu-dents with chronic problem behaviors.


If a minor discipline issue arises it will be handled by the classroom teacher. A minor discipline referral may be issued to the student. Depending on the incident a consequence will be applied and the teacher will con-tact the parent. If a major discipline issue arises, administration will conduct an investigation by inter-viewing any/all parties involved. Discipline and other means of correction/support will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Examples include: loss of privileges, time out, parent contact, conference with administrator, in-house suspension, formal suspension from school. See Board Policies 5144, 5145.1, 5145.8 for more information about Conduct, Responsibility, & Bullying.

Per IUSD Board Policy, the following violations will result in immediate SUSPENSION or EXPULSION from the Irvine Unified School District: Possession of a firearm, Brandishing a knife, Sale of Controlled Sub-stance, Committed or attempted to commit a sexual assault. See page 16 for more information.

In addition, the following violations will result in immediate SUSPENSION and a determination of further action that may result in EXPULSION proceedings: Serious physical injury to others, possession of knives, explosives or other dangerous objects, Possession of controlled substance, Robbery or extortion, Assault or battery upon any school employee.

school dress code

We ask that students attending Canyon View Elementary wear clothing that is comfortable, clean, and appropriate for a school environment. Our instructional program includes active play so students must wear clothing that allows them to run and jump, including closed toed shoes. Clothing and other items students wear must not disrupt the educational process nor create any form of disturbance.  IUSD Board Policy on dress code is linked here.

Inappropriate clothing includes: 

  • Anything that would interfere the safety of the student(s) on campus/playground
  • Logos and/or pictures that reference illegal activities and/or lewd words or images

With the support and cooperation of our parents, students, and staff, Canyon View will be a positive and productive learning environment.  

special programs and support services

Enrichment Offerings

  • Art Specialist: 4‐6
  • Art Instruction: PK‐3
  • Instrumental/Choral Music: 4‐6
  • Vocal Primary Music: PK‐3
  • Library/Media Center: PK‐6
  • Health Education: PK‐6
  • Science Specialist: 4‐6
  • PE Paraprofessionals: PK‐6
  • Peer Buddy Classes
  • DARE Program for 6th grade, sponsored by IPD

Gifted and Talented Education Program

The GATE Program is available to identified students grades 4‐6 with exceptional learning abilities. The program consists of small clusters of identified students within the general education classrooms with a teacher who has been trained in meeting the needs of the gifted student. Appropriately differentiated instruction including depth, complexity, acceleration, and novelty is taught within the core curriculum. You may obtain further information by visiting the Gifted and Talented Education page of the IUSD website at

Specialized Academic Instruction (SAI) Classes

IUSD provides students with a minimal or total support system (academic, behavioral, personal, vocational, transition) through which he/she can acquire knowledge and those skills necessary to function in the regular classroom and ultimately in society.

Psychological Services

The school psychologist provides assistance for behavioral, social/emotional, and cognitive needs of students. Diagnosis of student needs, guidance for students and parents, testing, and consultation are available.

Resource Center

This program is designed to assist children who demonstrate significant deficits in academic skills. A student can qualify for this program by demonstrating a specific learning disability or a significant discrepancy between ability and academic achievement. After a student is identified as qualifying for this program, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is designed to assist the student to make reasonable academic gains utilizing his/her strengths and remediation of weaknesses. This program is designed and implemented y the resource specialist in classrooms and in a one‐ on‐ one or small‐ group learning situation.

Speech and Language

This program is designed to diagnose and provide therapy for students who demonstrate difficulty in speech, language development, and language‐based skills. Students who qualify for this program have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) designed for them and receive individual or small group assistance as appropriate.

English Language Development

Students who have been identified as English Learners receive additional support to assist them in reading, writing, listening, and speaking standards.


Multi‐Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a systematic process that helps schools align resources, programs, and supports to meet the needs of all students. MTSS is guided by a shared belief that all students can learn at high levels and a collective responsibility to ensure that every student is successful. Through a systematic process based on assessment and data students are matched to increasingly intensive supports that meet their needs in all areas. This framework not only allows for decisions to be made about individual students, it is also used to drive decision‐making across all levels of the school.

Guidance Assistant

The Elementary Guidance Assistant Program is designed to offer social‐emotional learning to students during their school day using an evidence based social‐emotional classroom curriculum called Second Step. Second Step is designed to teach children how to understand and manage their emotions, control their reactions, be aware of others’ feelings, and have the skills to problem‐solve and make responsible decisions. These lessons will increase students learning‐readiness and help them to move ahead successfully in school. Guidance Assistants are trained para‐professional staff and are assigned at each of IUSD’s K‐6 school sites to  teach Second Step in the classroom and provide small group workshops for children who would benefit from additional support. Students with parent permission may participate in “TOOLBOX” groups, the small group workshops, which are a series of once‐a‐week, 30‐45 minute small group lessons during the school day. Groups usually last for 10‐12 weeks.

Elementary Resource Counselor

Children, just like adults, can participate in and benefit from counseling. Counseling can help children learn how to identify causes of their distress, develop their skills in asking for help and expressing emotions, and improve their problem‐solving abilities. Many children need help dealing with the stress of school, family and other significant life events such as the death of a family member, friend, or pet; divorce or a move, trauma or a major family illness. All of these things can cause stress that might lead to problems with a child’s behavior, mood, sleep, appetite, and academic or social functioning.

Please visit‐support‐services for more information about IUSD Student Support Services.

student fee information

California's Constitution affirms that students and parents cannot be required to pay money to gain access to educational activities, nor can they be charged for materials and supplies necessary to participate in educational activities.

“Educational activities” has been clearly defined to include extracurricular offerings such as music, sports and some clubs. Moreover, the rules described above are believed to apply to all affiliated groups supporting district and school programs, including PTAs, boosters and foundations.

In 2010, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit against the state over impermissible fees, charges and deposits imposed on public school students. Two years later, Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation that codified existing laws and judicial decisions while establishing reasonable enforcement measures for schools and districts. The ACLU subsequently dropped its suit.

It should be noted that IUSD was in the process of analyzing its own practices even before the ACLU suit, looking specifically at funding requests that were made to help offset the cost of transportation, elective courses, summer school classes and essential supplies and equipment. The district has since worked to clarify that parent donations for most educational activities are voluntary, and that students will not be denied participation if their families choose not to contribute.

For further information, please check the following link on the IUSD website:


Playground supervision begins at 8:00 a.m. Students are not to arrive on campus before that time. In addition, there is no staff supervision after school on the playground. All students must go directly home when dismissed at 2:20 or 2:45. Board Policy states that students must be picked up within 10 minutes of dismissal. The front office staff cannot supervise primary students between 2:20‐2:45. Primary students may wait for older siblings with parent supervision in front of school or at park. No students may wait at the lunch tables or playground without a guardian. There is staff supervision for 10 minutes after dismissal in the parking lot. After 10 minutes all students will be brought to the office to call home. Continuous late pick ups are documented; truancy letters will be generated and sent home.

The school grounds/playground are for the sole use of Canyon View Elementary students during the school day, 8:00‐2:45 and are not open to siblings or visitors during school hours. Primary students cannot play on playground between 2:20‐2:45. For safety reasons and instructional purposes, the playground is reserved for Physical Education and other upper grade activities.

Supervision is provided on the playground and in parking lot 10 minutes before school. Supervision is provided in front of the school 10 minutes after dismissal.

transportation information


  • Parents assume FULL responsibility and liability for the rider’s conduct and bicycle.
  • Bicycles are allowed for students in grades 3‐6 only. Bicycles must be in safe working condition.
  • All bicycles MUST be parked in the bike rack and LOCKED. Students may not share a bicycle lock—only one bicycle per lock!
  • Helmets MUST be worn by all students riding to and from school.
  • All bicycles must be walked on school grounds.
  • Children should never ride two on one bicycle.
  • Students are not to loiter in or around the bike rack area at any time.

Walking To and From School

Parents are urged to discuss safety rules and the responsibilities of good citizenship with their children in regard to walking to and from school. These points should be stressed:

  • Come directly to school from home.
  • Walk on the sidewalk and inside the crosswalks.
  • Cross streets only at the corners and crosswalks and with the crossing guard who is on duty before and afterschool. Jaywalking is a citable offense by the Irvine Police Department.

Some suggestions for your consideration...

  • You may park on Arborwood as long as you attend to street signs. Please do not make U-turns in the middle of Arborwood.
  • Please use crosswalks when arriving to or dismissing from school.
  • You may park in the neighboring Church parking lot on Yale.
  • You may park in the Meadowood Park parking lot.
  • Please only park in visitor spots in the school parking lot. We have 100 staff members to accommodate!
  • Coordinate with other families in the neighborhood and carpool whenever possible.
  • Have your children keep items like backpacks and instruments in the back seat instead of the trunk - it is safer and saves time.
  • Plan accordingly; if inclement weather arrives, leave earlier for unforeseen variables that may arise.
  • If you live within a 10 minute walk of the school and can do so, walk your children to and from school. It is not only good for them, but good for you as well. Make it your daily exercise opportunity.

Click here for Canyon View's Traffic Safety Plan.

Visitors on Campus

All visitors and volunteers must check in through the front office. Upon your first visit, you will need to have your Driver's License or Passport to be scanned through our Raptor system. Visitors that are unable to provide this information, will not be permitted on campus. Please note that on high volume days (holiday performances, class parties, etc.) there may be significant wait time to be scanned. Please have your ID scanned early to save time!
